We are a Registered Association for the promotion of medical care in Bugko / Northern Samar, Philippines.


Mabuhay – Hilfe zum Leben e.V.


Our association was founded in December 2004. Several on site visits revealed that the population in this part of the Philippines, hardly have any access to medical care. The people there are very poor and utilise the few resources they have to buy their basic food – rice. The aim of our association is to ensure the basic health care for the population in Bugko, a small village on Northern Samar, Philippines. To reach these goals, we built up a primary health care station in the village and do practical training and education in schools, Kindergardens and also home visits. The people in Bugko are so poor that they can not afford to pay for their own medical care.


We are therefore dependent on financial support to keep our project going and growing.


We are a purely non-profit association, financed through membership fees and donations.